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Problem Solved: How to make a New Years Resolution Safely?

Dr. Brandy Archie

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

A new year is a great time to evaluate how you or your loved ones are doing at home, make a plan on how to change things that are difficult, and talk to your loved ones about changes that might need to be made. We have some suggestions on ideas to help get you started.

How do you talk to loved ones about your needs?

Make a plan this year to change your home in a way that makes things easier for you and your loved ones. This will help you and your loved one create more peace of mind and hopefully less stress. Planning to overcome your difficulties can be trying, if you are not sure what to do, reach out to someone you trust to help make a plan. Your plan may include having home health, getting new equipment, or just talking with your doctor. Your loved ones can help keep you on track and help you to reach your goals plus help keep you safe at home.

How Can I Improve My Mobility?

It can be easy to not get much movement as we age from not going out of the home for a job or kids activities.

The good news is there are simple ways to get more movement at home.

1. When going to the bathroom, make a longer trip to the other side of the home. 2. Perform exercises on commercial breaks. 3. Stand up for 2 minutes each hour.

These three simple things can greatly improve strength and endurance.

Safe Home Workouts for Elderly

Sometimes as we age we tend to slow down and not do as much as we used to. This is a normal part of aging. However, we want you to maintain your strength even if you are resting more. Having a regular exercise routine is key in maintaining your strength and mobility as we age. There are many different types of exercise, just find one that you enjoy doing and will be able to perform multiple times a week. Even simple home tasks can become an exercise program. See our picture on how to turn household chores into exercises.

Equipment that Everyone Can Use

Many of our products are easily installed and allow those who don't need the equipment to still access the item. One example, is a toilet safety frame. The frame allows someone that needs a handle to use it and also is not in the way of others using the toilet. Universal Design are concepts to allow access and use of people of all ability levels. We at AccessAble Living try to incorporate this mindset into our equipment recommendations each time.


Proud to be your aging-in-place resource in Kansas City and Wichita for wheelchair ramps, shower chairs, and everything in between!



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