As we age, it can be hard to keep moving which means we can lose some of our endurance. Sometimes it's challenging to find exercises appropriate for your ability and now most fitness centers are still closed. But there are many ways to incorporate exercise into your routine at home using simple, everyday equipment - no matter your age! Just doing simple tasks consistently such as putting dishes away can improve your endurance. See below for more great ideas on how to keep being a mover and a shaker!
Free Easy Home Exercises
There are many ways you can keep fit at home performing everyday tasks. One great way to incorporate cardio exercise is to sweep your floors. Improve your leg strength by doing squats as you load the dishwasher. And don't forget to build those strong Popeye arms by doing counter or wall push-ups! More exercises for home
How Do You Build Endurance at Home?
There are a couple of simple ways to start building your endurance when feeling more tired. Start with just standing in front of your favorite chair or couch for a few minutes every hour. Then progress to walking or participating in one activity in standing for 5-10 minutes every hour. But if your low endurance level is keeping you from doing your everyday tasks, call us and we will help you figure out how to make those tasks easier!
YouTube Channels for Senior Exercise
Want someone to guide you through your exercises? YouTube has a host of free channels that have all types of exercises. Here are a few channels and videos to check out:
Are you feeling overwhelmed with taking care of a loved one, especially during these Stay at Home Orders? Access Personal Care provides a program to allow family members to take a break and have these needs performed by trained professionals. This is covered if you have MediCAID. These trained professionals allow you as a caregiver some time to run errands or go to your own appointments without worrying about your family being alone.