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Problem Solved: Fall Prevention Interventions

Dr. Brandy Archie

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

It's Fall Prevention Week and we are all about PREVENTION! When we recommend home modifications we are usually choosing that recommendation because it will decrease the risk of a fall. Prevention is so important because the domino effect of occurrences after a fall can be life-threatening!

Facts about Falls

Here are some quick facts about falls:

1. One-fourth of every American over age 65+ falls each year.

2. Falls result in more than 3 million injuries treated in emergency departments annually, including over 800,000 hospitalizations.

3. Each year about $50 billion is spent on medical costs related to non-fatal fall injuries and $754 million is spent related to fatal falls.

4. Falls are the leading cause of injury death in older Americans.

Myths about Falls

Many people say falling is a normal part of aging however, this is not true. Learning why people may fall can help prevent a future fall. Also, exercises and working on your balance through fitness will decrease your risk of falls.

Some people believe using a walker or cane can make you dependent.

However, the reverse is true! A walker or cane can increase your independence and also prevent a fall instead.

7 Key Tips for Preventing a Fall

These are simple tips that are easy to manage and can make a huge difference in decreasing the risk for a fall. Prevention is key because the statistics say more than 40% of people hospitalized from hip fractures do not return home and are not capable of living independently again! 1. Proper medication management - over or under dosing for many medications can cause dizziness or lightheadedness which can lead to a fall. 2. Increase daily activity level to improve balance over time. 3. Put proper hand holds in places where the wall or a piece of furniture is touched often. Install grab bars or leave a cane in that place so there is always something safe to hold on to. 4. Remove throw rugs, cords and other items that come across the walking area that can be tripped on - even if they have been there for 20 years! 5. Plug in nightlights on the path from the bedroom to the bathroom to prevent a fall at night. 7. Put non-slip mat or treads on the bottom of the tub or shower. Wondering how safe a client or a loved one's home is? Schedule a free home assessment and we'll help figure out what are the best things to be done to prevent a fall.


Proud to be your aging-in-place resource in Kansas City and Wichita for wheelchair ramps, shower chairs, and everything in between!

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