There is always more than one way to do things! Read below for all kinds of alternatives from getting in that soaker tub to getting some exercise! Also, make sure you scroll till the end to learn of a great way to serve the senior community right now - we need your help!

How Do You Get In A Deep Tub?
This was an unconventional solution we created for a client with difficulty getting up from chairs so she needed rails on both sides to push up. The client was flexible and small framed so was able to slide her leg through while seated on the bench to scoot over into the tub. We specialize in solving challenging problems with adaptive solutions.

Silver Sneakers
Silver Sneakers offers programs that are targeted for seniors to workout at home. This program allows them to maintain social distancing to help keep them well and keep them moving. The membership fee for this program can be covered under your Medicare plans. Click the link below to see if you are eligible.

What Is the LSVT BIG Program?
Parkinson’s Disease causes a person’s movements to become slower and smaller over time. LSVT is a program that focuses on people performing functional movements with a focus on making them as large as possible. This adaptive program helps people with Parkinson's Disease recalibrate their movements to.

Sports for Disabled
Midwest Adaptive Sports and Wichita Adaptive Sports are programs that allow people with "different abilities" to participate in sports. There are adult and youth programs available. They offer wheelchair basketball, softball, and rugby, plus many more. Their goal is to encourage people with disabilities to stay active and feel included in sports. This is such a good way to stay in shape and have some fun. Be sure to spread the word!

Education on Finances for Caregivers
June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Individuals with dementia are more susceptible to elder abuse, including financial abuse. This day there is an online education course to help guide caregivers.
Proud to be your aging-in-place resource in Kansas City and Wichita for wheelchair ramps, shower chairs, and everything in between!